Sunday, December 21, 2008

Alcorn Collection - Hay Internment Camp Artifacts

This link should direct you to images of the Alcorn Hay Internment Camp Collection that do not yet appear on this blog. If difficulty is experienced please email me at

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Transcript for interpretation purposes – prepared 15 December 2008 by Laurie Favelle

Letter from Dr. Richard Ullmann to Eckart Heilpern

Friends Post War Service Committee,
Friends House, Euston Road,
London N.W., 1. 20th January, 1943.

Dear Eckart Heilpern,

After all I have the opportunity of writing to you as a free man. The 8th inst. I have been released, after another enervating three months on the Isle of Man. I had hoped that I were free at Christmas, but it didn't come true. I've taken up work as a tutor with the above Committee, which is preparing all kinds of relief work on the European Continent as quickly as possible after the Armistice. My special task is to make the young workers acquanted with the psychological and historical background, give them a lead in their language studies, etc. As you see, a very intersting and very idealistic work on Christian fundamentals. There are many political and spitiual issues to be considered, and my own experience in various countries as well as my experience as both subject and object of relief work come in very usefully. The only drawback of my being free is the interruption of my correspondence with my wife, from whom I had quite regularly long letters about all things of personal interest for me. Unfortunately part of the information was very depressing: my brother Franz was deported in June, my aunt----? I think in September together with E.W.L and her husband etc. My wife herself helped them and worked with them to the last, though I think it was quite risky to do that, to visit my brother once a week etc.

She had had her own troubles too: my eldest girl, though very talented in many respects, has had to leave school at 14! My wife is teaching her all alone now except maths and piano, doing with her even Greek, reading Shakespeare in English and Corneille in French, not neglecting all practical things such as cooking, tailoring, gardening, gyms, etc. It is rather a co-operation than teaching, and my wife finds in it extreme satisfaction and happiness. The children sent me for Christmas very nice “Krippenfigure” in paper, which they had designed, painted and cut out. Those of the older one are really artistic, exactly as her sewing kit for me which she has made without any help or advice. She is very musical too, the younger plays the violin and my wife has started at playing the 'cello to accomplish the Trio. The elder one writes sonnet-cycles, the younger one fairy-tales which have won prizes at school; but her spelling is dreadful!

But enough about the children. I wonder whether you received my letter of November 17th and my Christmas card of December 12th. I hope that all of you are well and that you are having good news from your brother in Switzerland. I don't see much chance for him to get out from there now if he hasn't managed it in time; but I see less danger every day that that country will be drawn into the war. Are you still in your former work? I don't think that the Australian man-power problem will affect you very much, as you are very much needed in your occupation. How is your mother? I've seen her only once in 1937, and before that only when I was a child of say 10. But I've kept her in good memory; I sometimes one's sympathies are hereditary and I've inherited this predilection for her from my own mother. I've trying to find your grandmother's address, to drop her a few lines. I know she is at Westwood Ho, but I don't know where, I think she is rather advanced in the eighties now, isn't she?

Should you meet Dr. Morris or Miss Gladys Armstrong, please remember me to them and tell them about my new job, they certainly will be interested in it. You don't know Rev. Alcorn, or do you? Remember me to him, too. It is a pity we never have managed to meet. But as the world is becoming smaller every day, one never knows what possibilities of personal acquantance will be opened. Queer enough that we have not met; while writing this letter I feel as if I had had lots of talks with you.

All my best wishes to you and your parents, and let us hope that war and oppression will be over soon.

Yours sincerely,
Richard Ullmann.

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Letter from Dr Richard Ullmann to Eckart Heilpern

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Transcript of letter from Eric Lipmann, with note from Bruno Lipmann, To Rev. Alcorn 8 August 1944.

Eric Lipmann
8th A.E. Coy
Broadmeadows, Vic

My dear Padre,
This is my last day before I go back to camp tomorrow morning, and I have been busy all day and now I am just cleaning up and setting my mind on “the business” again.
Before I go on let me thank you once againfor the welcome you and your family gave me and the really wonderful time I spent with you. It was particularly nice of you to come down to the station and see me off and I regret I arrived to late, just in the nick of time but I usually do that when I travel alone. I was quite touched that Mrs Alcorn thought of me and I would just like to tell her that I started munching straight away and it must have been near Moss Vale when I had eaten everything up except the piece of your birthday cake for Bruno which I gave him Saturday afternoon after I had arrived.
Contrary to the trip up it turned out to be a very pleasant and also comfortable journey. I had a good seat at the window until up to Albury and I could sleep in a more or less comfortable position. From Albury onward I was in a compartment with only another two people – very easy ......... The train arrived a few hours late at 2pm on Sat. I was not a bit tired and after a general brush up I met B & M1 and spent the afternoon and evening with them.
The christening had been postponed to Monday and it went very well indeed. On Sunday we also had a little party at one of our friends.
B. & M. had a surprise in store when I came back. They had found a flat just that very day & were in a particularly good mood. However a few readjustments have to be made and they may not be able to occupy it before Nov / Dec. Still it gives them a bit of time too the (?) get everything ready as far as furniture and other things are concerned not to mention all the odds and ends which usually take a longer time to procure.
During the next few days or weeks they will decide when & where they shall get married. Bruno will tell you all these things himself.
I have not got the address of Overhoff yet but I shall get it on Wednesday or Thursday and then I can let you know.
It has been terribly cold yesterday and the day before yesterday. Possibly that I feel it more just coming from the warmth of Sydney. It was frosty this morning and a pair of socks I had left on the line has shrunk to about half its size. During the however it is warm and lovely.
Please give my very best regards to Mrs Alcorn and to Joyce2, Frankie3 & Walter4 & last but not least to the young prince5.
Kindest regards & all the best to you.

Bruno's note

Dear Padre,
Eric wrote this letter yesterday and I am sorry that I have caused another day's delay in sending it off. The best bit of news is that we have found a flat afterall! It will probably be quite a while however until we can move in since the owners are going to make quite substantial changes. They are rebuilding practically half the house.
We have not yet decided on the date when we shall get married, but it seems certain now that it will be before Christmas. There are a lot of things to be done and it is great excitement and happiness to do them.
The government allowed the owners only to spend a comparatively small amount on rebuilding expenses, and so there are many things that I shall do myself. Next week, or shortly after, I shall start on painting all the doors of the flat, also the garden is in a bad state and many other minor things. The place has no major shortcomings and I am sure it will be made into a nice and happy home. Margaret and I are so very happy about it.
Eric told me all about the very fine holiday he had in Sydney. I should have loved to see you too again. Please give my thanks to Mrs Alcorn for the piece of birthday cake which I liked very much. I shall have to close now with the best regards to you, Mrs Alcorn and your family.
1. Eric's brother and future sister-in-law – Bruno & Margaret
2. Rev. Alcorn's 2nd daughter Joyce Alcorn, b. 1924 – later Mrs Joyce Favelle
3. Rev. Alcorn's 1st daughter Francis Alcorn, b. 1920 d. 2007 – later Mrs Frankie Oates OAM
4. Frankie's husband Walter
5. Walter & Frankie's 1st son Ronald Kim Oates – later Professor Kim Oates

Letter from Eric & Bruno Lipmann to Rev. Alcorn 1944

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Rev. Alcorn's Autograph Book - Hay Camp 1941 - Part 6

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Rev. Alcorn's Autograph Book - Hay Camp 1941 - Part 5

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Rev. Alcorn's Autograph Book - Hay Camp 1941 - Part 4

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Rev. Alcorn's Autograph Book - Hay Camp 1941 - Part 3

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Rev. Alcorn's Autograph Book - Hay Camp 1941 - Part 2

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Rev. Alcorn's Autograph Book - Hay Camp 1941 - Part 1

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Hay Internment Camp - Camp 8 Christian Internees 1941- Images of Original Documents

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Hay Internment Camp - Camp 8 Christian Internees 1941 - Alphabetical Transcript from original document

Aberbach, Theodor - Old Catholic - hut 19
Ahrend, Gerhard - Church of En. - hut 30
Alexander, Heinz - Protestant - hut 3
Altschul, Franz - Christ. Commun. - hut 15
Baelz, Robert - Christian, no denomination - hut 16
Behrens, Bernhard - Christian, no denomination - hut 16
Bergfeld, Hans - Lutheran - hut 4
Boehm, Ralph - C of E - hut 8
Bruehl, Hans - Protestant - hut 18
Cahn, Franz - Unitarian - hut 25
Callomon, Walter - Protestant - hut 2
Cossmann, Gerhard - C of E - hut35
Czarnikow, Horst - Protestant - hut 1
Dannenberg, Alfred - Protestant - hut 21
Defieber, Oskar - Calvinist - hut 21
Doring, Paul - Protestant - hut 32
Dschenffzig, Peter - Methodist - hut 11
Eckes, Frank - Protestant - hut 21
Eirich, Friedrich - Protestant - hut 23
Eisenberg, Adolf - Protestant - hut 31
Eisig, Konrad T - Protestant - hut 2
Erdoes, Erich - C of E - hut 14
Feder, Hans Werner - Presbiterian - hut 22
Fischer, E - Old Catholic - hut 18
Fischl, Eugen - Protestant - hut 13
Friedenheim, Curt - Protestant - hut 1
Fruend, Heinrich - Lutheran - hut 32
Fuchs - hut 8
Goldmann, Bernhard - Baptist - hut 18
Graupner, Felix - Protestant - hut 32
Gurland, Hans Heinrich - Lutheran - hut 4
Hamburger, Ulrich W - Lutheran - hut 31
Heidorn, Wilhelm - Protestant - hut 21
Hemer, Nicolaus - Protestant - hut 27
Hirschfeld, Ludwig - Protestant - hut 13
Huppert, Peter - C of E - hut 27
Jacobson, Dr Erwin - Protestant - hut 23
Kerner, Erich - C of E - hut 21
Kessler, Alfred - Protestant - hut 17
Koblitz, Fritz - Protestant - hut 1
Koch, Walter - Protestant - hut 2
Krantz, Bruno - Protestant - hut 21
Krause, Ernst Adolf - Protestant - hut 2
Landauer, Alfred - Presbiterian - hut 21
Lehmann, Peter Dietrich - Protestant - hut 25
Lewinsky, Max - Protestant - hut 23
Lindau, Hans - Protestant - hut 16
Lindheimer, Paul Peter - C of E - hut 36 - (possible AKA Land or Landheimer)
Marcus, Hans Wilhelm - C of E - hut 2
Markus, Dr Max - Presbiterian - hospital
Marx, Karl - C of E - hut 10
Marx, Otto - Presbiterian - hut 35
Mayer, Kurt - Protestant - hut 1
Muehlich, Georg - C of E - hut 17
Muenz, Kurt - C of E - hut 29
Mugdan, Robert - Protestant - hut 35
Nadel, Georg - C of E - hut13
Nell, Gerhard - Lutheran - hut 31
Nissels, Walter - Protestant - hut 22
Oliver, L. R. - C of E - hut 10
Oppenheim, Hans Otto - Society of Friends - hut 19
Rathgeber, Ernst - Christ. Commun. - hut 12
Rechnitz, Wilhelm - C of E - hut 15
Reiners, Wilfrid - Protestant - hut 12
Reisner, Alexander - Christ. Science - hut 30
Riefenstahl, - Presbiterian - hut 23
Rieser, Ralf - C of E - hut 10
Rittermann, Michael - Methodist - hut 19
Rosinsky, Charles - Protestant - hut 11
Schlosser, Hans - Lutheran - hut 35
Schreuer, Rudolf - Lutheran - hut 36
Schreuer, Walter - Lutheran - hut 36
Suessmann, Alfred - Protestant - hut 21
Tisch, Wilhelm - Protestant - hut 21
Ullmann, Richard - Protestant - hut 2
Waldsax, Dr Reinhard - Presbiterian - hospital
Weinwurm, Max - Old Catholic - hut 20
Wohlfeld, Dr Heinrich - Protestant - hut 23

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Hay Camp 7 Internees - Image of Original Documents

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Hay Camp 7, February 8 1941. List of Christian Internees - Alphabetical Transcript from original document

  1. Altmann, Guenter -Farmer -hut 24
  2. Altmann, Paul - Electrical Engineer B.Sc. - hut 36
  3. Arnstein, Hans - Engineer - hut 36
  4. Baerwald, Werner - Musician - hut36
  5. Bamberger, Wilhelm - Coach Body builder - hut 2
  6. Beer, Franz - Mechanical Engineer - hut 36
  7. Behrendt, Dr. Felix - Mathametician Actuary - hut 36 - Released
  8. Berg, Robert - Student of Philology - hut 36
  9. Berg, Fritz - Engineer - hut 36
  10. Berlin, Paul - Farmer - hut 16
  11. Bernstein, Heinrich - Journalist - hut 2
  12. Borinski, Dr. Fritz - Lecturer of Political & Social Science - hut 31
  13. Boschwitz, Ullrich - Author - hut 36
  14. Brandeis, Juergen - Student - hut 32
  15. Bukowitz, Stefan - Fur & Skin Merchant - hut 24
  16. Carlebach, Peter - Methodist - hut 29
  17. Clusmann, G H - Sculptor - hut 25
  18. Erlanger, Franz - Clerk - hut 27
  19. Ewald, Arnold - Student of Natural Science - hut 22
  20. Federer, Heinz - Plumber's Apprentice - hut 33
  21. Federn, Ilmari - Philologist - hut 36
  22. Friedheim, Heinrich - Commercial Student - hut 27
  23. Furth, Richard - Woollen Manufacturer - hut 35
  24. Gernsheim, Helmut - Photographer FRPS - hut 23
  25. Goldschmidt, Dr. Hans E - Publisher - hut 35
  26. Grieshaber, Julius - Asphalter - hut 16
  27. Grieshaber, Adolf - Paint Sprayer - hut 16
  28. Guttmann, Carl - Engineering Draughtsman - hut 33
  29. Hager, Gustav - Electrical Engineering - hut 35
  30. Hamburger, Gerhard - Radio Engineer - hut 36
  31. Heckroth, Hein - Painter - hut 25
  32. Heilner, Wolfgang - Electrical Engineer - hut 21
  33. Herz , Alec - Student of History & Slavonic- hut 29 - Released ?
  34. Hoffmann, Herbert - Book Seller - hut 2
  35. Horn, Peter - Engineer's Trainee - hut 8 - Released
  36. Jaskulewicz, Gerhard Medical Student - hut 28
  37. Karbasch, Rudolf Henry - Toolmaker's Apprentice - hut 28
  38. Katz, Werner - Composer & Musician - hut 18
  39. Koenigsberger, Peter - Solicitor's Articled Clerk - hut 20
  40. Koenigsberger-Maassen, Rolf - Commercial Artist - hut 21
  41. Koestenmann, Robert - Farm Student - hut 17 - Released
  42. Kollar, Rolff - Student of Medicine/Farmer (cowman) - hut 12
  43. Kuehlenthal, Heinz - Clerk - hut 24
  44. Ladewig, Dr. Paul E - Export correspondent - hut 35
  45. Lanczi, Edward - Student of Natural Science - hut 15
  46. Lehner, Peter - Petroleum Geologist/B.Sc. A.R.S.M. - hut 26
  47. Lipmann, Erich - Export Merchant - hut 35
  48. Lipmann, Bruno - Export Merchant - hut 35
  49. Loewenstein, Fritz - Student of Mechanical Engineering - hut 22
  50. Margulies, Heinz - Pharmaceutic Process Worker - hut 28
  51. Mayer, Otto Hans - Clerk - hut 24
  52. Mayer, Edfrred - Actor & Writer - hut 26
  53. Meyer, Hans Joachim - Optical Machanician/Farm Student - hut 25
  54. Meyer, Friedrich - Student of Economics - hut 35 - Released
  55. Mysa, Ludwig Carl - Secretary - hut 24
  56. Nauen, Hans - Merchant - hut 19
  57. Neufeld, Rudolf - Artist - hut 24
  58. Ostberg, Kurt - Student of Modern Languages - hut 23
  59. Preminger, Franz - Student of Mechanical Engineering - hut 27
  60. Reich, Hans - Tool Maker - hut 27
  61. Ries, Eduard - hut 17
  62. Rink, Arnold - Student - hut 33
  63. Robinow, Herman - Bank Clerk - hut 32
  64. Rothfels, Dr Kurt - Judge - hut 24
  65. Rubens, Dr. Heinz - Agriculturist - hut 28
  66. Ruh, Anton - Stone Printer & Welder - hut 2
  67. Ruppin, Gerhard - Machine Fitter - hut 29
  68. Schaedlich, Kurt - Teacher of Modern Languages - hut 20
  69. Schick, Ernst - Plumber & Electrician - hut 33
  70. Schmidt, Gerhard - Student of Chemistry - hut 36 - Released
  71. Schneider, Ulrich - Laboritory Assistant - hut 32
  72. Schoenlicht, Max Martin - Agent (Motor Cars) - hut 29
  73. Schwabach, Dorian Erik - Bank Clerk - hut 29
  74. Schwabe, Wolfgang - Bank Clerk - hut 20
  75. Skaller, Friedrich - Instructor of Agriculture - hut 28
  76. Someruga, Lorenz - Chemist / Presbyterian - hut 33 - (orig. typed as "v. Someruga")
  77. Sommerfeld, Kurt (?) - Farm Worker - hut 28
  78. Stadlen, Peter - Pianist - hut 36 - Released
  79. Stadlen, Erich - Social Worker - hut 36 - Released
  80. Stuebs, Alwin - Author - hut 25
  81. Teltscher, George - Free Lance Artist - hut 26
  82. Weber, Jan - Solictor's Articled Clerk LL.B - hut 26
  83. Weiss, Erich - Intrument Maker - hut 36
  84. Weisz, Peter - Shipping Clerk - hut 24
  85. Wundsch, Harro - Surveyor's Assistant - hut 28
  86. Wurmser, Alfred - Electrical Engineering/Artist/Draughtsman - hut 34
  87. Zeitz, Wolfgang - Chemical Assistant - hut 32
  88. Zinn, Siegfried - Electrical Engineer - hut 24

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Little Bit of Alcorn

Go to this link. Its a bit wobbly on youtube, but you'll get the idea.